【特輯】到美國讀書打球不是夢 國外女籃球探分享準備訣竅

文/Renee Johnson-Allen (Director of BlueStar Asia)
譯/Double Pump 女子籃球誌



我可以很誠實的告訴你們,在和Double Pump女子籃球誌交流後,以及過去三年到亞洲盃及HBL觀賽的經驗,你們之中有很多人擁有在美國打球的能力。這感覺起來是很新又很不同的經驗,但是就我個人而言,我可以和你們說非常值得,請點以下連結看我的經歷:https://bluestarbbasia.com/about/

註:Blue Star是美國25年的球探公司,另有Blue Star Asia以及Blue Star Europe,Blue Star Asia位於新加坡,Renee J-Allen為新加坡分公司負責人。Renee為英國人,畢業於美國Drexel大學,曾是英國世大運代表隊一員。

Renee J-Allen曾是英國世大運代表隊的一員





Division I 所有參與這個層級的學校,都會提供學生運動員全額獎學金。這個層級最好的球員可能前往WNBA,共351隊分成32個分組(Conferences)。

Division II 不是每個學校都提供全額獎學金,有些學校提供部分獎學金(partial scholarship)或獎金來補償支出,D2共有314間學校。

Division III 不提供獎學金,許多學生透過運動經驗來豐富大學生活,此層級不像DI、DII激烈及競爭。

NAIA (National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics)小型的大學組織,不是每所學校都提供全額獎學金,有些學校提供部分獎學金或獎金來補償支出。

NJCAA(The National Junior College Athletic Association)







每個人的可能不同,每個學生的狀況都不一樣。例如,如果你想要或需要運動獎學金,你必須尋找能夠提供的學校,NCAA DI或是DII,NAIA則因學校而異。















1. 成功到NCAA中心註冊認真上課,這些課程必須符合標準

2. 安排SAT/ACT和托福考試

3. 新增選手資料並上傳精華剪輯(Highlight)

4. 把和教練的對談當成與陌生人認識的機會,不僅他們想認識妳,你應該也想了解他們。話題會隨著你們的對談有不同可能,例如你打籃球的經歷、開始原因和目標,或是你感興趣的學術科目、個人的個性等。

5. 最好的準備就是忠於自我「做自己」,並認真調查、充分了解這所學校的特色。再次強調,完成資格註冊、通過考試、準備好自己的影片讓教練看見你之後,你才會有機會與教練對談。






BlueStar Asia如何幫助你?







如需協助,也可洽Double Pump女子籃球誌,私訊粉絲專頁或是寄信至[email protected]

林芍彤(3號)現正就讀Georgia Highlands College


北一女中畢業的林芍彤,去年夏天開始在Georgia Highlands College(社區大學)就讀,他也與我們分享這幾個月的心得。





隊友經常要我介紹台灣的食物和語言,他們也會陪我去找一些我吃的比較習慣的食物像habachi 或壽司。我覺得跟他們相處起來很自在,不會有學姊學妹的那種感覺,也不會因為語言上有什麼隔閡。雖然有時候可能會因為發音的關係鬧一些笑話。

我記得有一場比賽先發球員幾乎都坐在球員席上,然後他們就要我教他們練習用中文說 加油、 做得好 、好球……,然後就在每次進球後或者暫停的時候向場上的隊友呼喊著。




延伸閱讀:【特輯】休學一年的豪賭 北一女林芍彤獲全額獎學金赴美追夢

English Version

You may have heard of more international players heading to the America to play college basketball. Have you wondered how this is possible? If you are able to do the same? How do you this? Am I good enough? Below are answers to these questions so keep reading. I can honestly say from speaking with Gena at DP Basketball, attending FIBA Asia Championships and HBL Games the past 3 years many of you have the ability to play college basketball in America. This may seem like a new and different experience but one I myself can say worth it. Please checkout my bio here – https://bluestarbbasia.com/about/

Firstly what does college basketball in America offer and what does this mean? 

College basketball allows you to continue playing basketball whilst studying at a College. College is University however in America most use the term College instead of University.

Where can I play basketball and continue to study?

Three are 3 organizations that offer college basketball opportunities. They are the NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA

NCAA – 3 Divisions make up NCAA Basketball. 

Division I – All schools competing at this level offer full scholarships to student athletes. The best basketball players play at this level head onto the WNBA. There are 32 conferences and 351 teams at this level

Division II – Not all schools offer full scholarships. Some schools offer partial scholarships or other incentives to offset cost. Division II has 314 schools.

Division III – Do not offer scholarships. Many students are there to enrich academics with sporting experience which is not a strenuous or competitive as Division I & IINAIA – Organization hosting smaller colleges in America. Not all schools offer full scholarships. Some schools offer partial scholarships or other incentives to offset cost

NJCAA – Junior College is another option, which allows student to attend a school for up to 2 years to then transition to a 4-year school (NCAA, NAIA). Why would I do this?Number of reasons this is done. Here are a few reasons (there are more) – student didn’t find a 4 year school (NCAA, NAIA), they want to look at more school options, academically needs to strengthen grades etc.

What are the athletic scholarship types?

Full athletic scholarships – All expenses related to attendance of college included – tuition, accommodation, food, books, gear from school.

Partial athletic scholarship – All expenses are not included. Depending on school and offer, they may provide one or more of the following expenses to attend school. For example – tuition or accommodation and food. Again this will vary and could be a dollar amount.

No athletic scholarship – No expenses are provided to student attending school meaning they would have to cover all costs

How realistic is it that I can compete and play in the America?

There is a level for everyone meaning very realistic. Every student and situation is different meaning. For example if you want / need an athletic scholarship to play you need to look at options which provide this (NCAA Division I and possible at Division II / NAIA based on school).

If I decide to look at going to America for basketball and change my mind what happens?

Nothing at all. Looking at America is just an option. Speaking to a coach does not mean you must follow through and go to America.

What do I need to do to be eligible for this opportunity? 

The best way to prepare for all of the possible options is to prepare early (during 2-4 years before your finish High School) and you need to do the following


Must take SAT / ACT – This is an entry exam to test English and Math ability

This exam is necessary for all high school students applying to college in America. More information provided here

How difficult is the exam?

Exam will test English and Math. Some students find exam easy some find it tougher depending on your academic level.

Must take TOEFL – This exam is required for all students whose first language is not English. It is an English proficiency test.

Free practice Test – https://www.ets.org/s/toefl/free-practice/start.html

How difficult is the exam?

I cannot say as my first language is English however if you practice speaking English in school or have a tutor assist with exam preparation early you should do ok.

More information can be found on exams on full recruiting guide – https://bluestarbbasia.com/bluestar-asia-recruiting-guide/


This is a required registration with for students to make sure they meet academic requirements and are not professional athletes. Yes you cannot play college basketball if you are a considered a professional player.

How will coaches see me play?

You will need to have a highlight video of your abilities so coaches can see you play. I attend events in Asia (HBL being on of them) to evaluate player’s ability and share information with coaches on players that can play. We then list player’s player profile information, highlights and an evaluation of your level of play

If I do get to the point where I am speaking with a coach what tings will they ask?

Speaking with coaches is part of the recruiting process. However before you get here you must be working towards the following by doing these things

Registered NCAA Eligibility

Working towards classes needed to be eligible – http://fs.ncaa.org/Docs/eligibility_center/Student_Resources/DI_Quick_Reference_Sheet.pdf?j=82150150&sfmc_sub=997475594&l=7842029_HTML&u=709132711&mid=10892399&jb=55

Scheduling exams (SAT/ACT and TOEFL)

Create player profile and have game highlight link

Coaches want to get to know you and you should want to get to know them also. When speaking to coaches topic of conversation / questions will vary. Take it as getting to know someone new that you don’t know very well. They will want to know about your playing experience, reasons and goals for playing basketball, academic interests, personality etc. just to name a few things.

Best way to prepare is to be yourself, be honest and do some research on school so you are prepared. Again this is near the end of the process and we cannot get here before taking care of the NCAA Eligibility registrations, exams, highlights and letting coaches know who you are first by having a profile.

Must I pay for you to help connect me with schools?

No. We help players for free by connecting them to college coaches

Who else like me has done this who isn’t from America?

There are a lot of students from outside America going there to study and continue to play basketball and other sports who have had successful and positive experiences. You can take a look here at number of international students studying and playing sport in American Colleges


How do we make it on the BlueStar Asia Report?

We have a 5-minute player registration form which collects information coaches want to know to build your profile. https://bluestarbbasia.com/ncaaplayerregistration/

Video highlight – How do I make this? 

Here is link to help you make a highlight video. It is not that simple in just putting a few clips together. We also help players make their highlight videos if needed https://bluestarbbasia.com/2019/06/28/highlights/

How can basketball in America help me with after? 

It can add to your basketball profile and get you connected to further academic opportunities within Colleges in America (graduate school, work placements, jobs) and kick start your professional career possibly in Europe or even WNBA if you excel and are one of the best. This is another topic if you have questions that can be answered

Please check out recruiting guide here for more in-depth explanation of things you need to do to be eligible. Some of the information is covered above briefly as an introduction. We will also help you with the process and answer questions you may have – https://bluestarbbasia.com/bluestar-asia-recruiting-guide/
